Trusted Solutions



High-quality software can only be built by experts using a rigorous, multi-staged process. Our Bubble software development does not rely on assumptions about user behaviour, we rely on data.

What is the Rapid Development Cycle?

At Di9ital, our experts scope, design, and build your bespoke software using no code, giving you a faster solution than ever before. To get your project live we follow a process known as the ‘rapid development cycle’ which is a staged process to ensure that the software matches your criteria and your users’ needs exactly.

In the future, with changing user needs, you can take your product through the same cycle again in order to develop a new, updated version and stay ahead of the game!

Launch software that makes your users happy

We start testing your product as rapidly as we can to gather feedback from your users and then, based on that feedback, we can adjust the design and build in improvements. A larger project might be best developed over multiple iterations of the process.

1. Define

Our discovery workshop will identify exactly what you are trying to do, take time to understand the problem and focus on your need and the situation. We’ll identify the most appropriate solutions to your most critical business problems and then decide and agree on the functional specification, project price and the approach.

2. Solve

Having thought of all the possible features, we then strip it back to the bare essentials. What’s the “minimum” product we can build that has the value you need? Some features might not be necessary from day one so you would exclude them from the MVP version of the product.

3. Design

Now we have a clear path to build we start mapping out the technical aspects of the project considering the end user and future opportunities to scale. The technical architecture needs as much thought as user experience and interface. Website application and after build customer behaviour is mapped and cross referenced. Behaviour should be one of the main feedback loops at the heart of any project and helps to make it simple. We sign everything off before any code is committed.

4. Build

With everything in place, and having signed off the plan, our team of exceptional architects start to build using Bubble software development tools. We work in one of two ways. One is by developing a minimum viable project and making iterations / sprints against a feature list. The other is by building to spec and launching when everyone is happy. In both cases, we fully test anything that goes live to ensure it works. We won’t ‘get it live and fix it later’.

5. test

Testing allows us to ensure that the user journey delivers. It also gives you the confidence to trust the software. We work with test analysts and people with no prior knowledge of the software to check its performance. In rare cases, we find things are not flowing as we expected so we will adjust the build accordingly. Again, we will conduct load testing on the software so that multiple users at multiple times won’t break anything.

On a feature level, the project might need to go through the cycle multiple times, testing usually takes place in fortnightly cycles. Each objective needs to be tested and anything can be changed at any point.

6. launch

Once we are all happy with either the iterative approach or feature build we will then deploy into the real world. For existing projects everything is built on a parallel server to mirror what is in real time and then made live on sign off. For new projects we will launch the new environment and ensure we have a test area for future development and enhancements.

Di9ital remain on hand to offer paid support both in terms of building discrete features as one-offs, and on a continual monthly basis to maintain and build further features as time progresses.

7. Measure

This stage is data driven, like the Test’ stage, but now we are measuring and reporting back on data and analytics from user interactions in a ‘live’ scenario after launch. For example, are orders coming through to an e-commerce system in the volume we expected?

Your software solution is a living, breathing thing that is affected by its environment. Devices, browsers, and physical technology are always changing so we will continually test as part of our process.

8. review

Even the most basic software product can take some time to fully test and confirm so this part of the process is to answer any questions and feedback you might have about evolving behaviour. Behaviours will inform user experience and user interface, as well as additional features that help keep the software current and in touch with its users.

9. next steps

Once your software solution is live, it needs maintaining. Gone are the days of one project and ‘done’ for 5 years. Our aim is to support you long term, making sure the software evolves with your business.

1. Define

Our discovery workshop will identify exactly what you are trying to do, take time to understand the problem and focus on your need and the situation. We’ll identify the most appropriate solutions to your most critical business problems and then decide and agree on the functional specification, project price and the approach.

2. Solve

Having thought of all the possible features, we then strip it back to the bare essentials. What’s the “minimum” product we can build that has the value you need? Some features might not be necessary from day one so you would exclude them from the MVP version of the product.

3. Design

Now we have a clear path to build we start mapping out the technical aspects of the project considering the end user and future opportunities to scale. The technical architecture needs as much thought as user experience and interface. Website application and after build customer behaviour is mapped and cross referenced. Behaviour should be one of the main feedback loops at the heart of any project and helps to make it simple. We sign everything off before any code is committed.

4. Build

With everything in place, and having signed off the plan, our team of exceptional architects start to build using Bubble software development tools. We work in one of two ways. One is by developing a minimum viable project and making iterations / sprints against a feature list. The other is by building to spec and launching when everyone is happy. In both cases, we fully test anything that goes live to ensure it works. We won’t ‘get it live and fix it later’.

5. test

Testing allows us to ensure that the user journey delivers. It also gives you the confidence to trust the software. We work with test analysts and people with no prior knowledge of the software to check its performance. In rare cases, we find things are not flowing as we expected so we will adjust the build accordingly. Again, we will conduct load testing on the software so that multiple users at multiple times won’t break anything.

On a feature level, the project might need to go through the cycle multiple times, testing usually takes place in fortnightly cycles. Each objective needs to be tested and anything can be changed at any point.

6. launch

Once we are all happy with either the iterative approach or feature build we will then deploy into the real world. For existing projects everything is built on a parallel server to mirror what is in real time and then made live on sign off. For new projects we will launch the new environment and ensure we have a test area for future development and enhancements.

Di9ital remain on hand to offer paid support both in terms of building discrete features as one-offs, and on a continual monthly basis to maintain and build further features as time progresses.

7. Measure

This stage is data driven, like the Test’ stage, but now we are measuring and reporting back on data and analytics from user interactions in a ‘live’ scenario after launch. For example, are orders coming through to an e-commerce system in the volume we expected?

Your software solution is a living, breathing thing that is affected by its environment. Devices, browsers, and physical technology are always changing so we will continually test as part of our process.

8. review

Even the most basic software product can take some time to fully test and confirm so this part of the process is to answer any questions and feedback you might have about evolving behaviour. Behaviours will inform user experience and user interface, as well as additional features that help keep the software current and in touch with its users.

9. next steps

Once your software solution is live, it needs maintaining. Gone are the days of one project and ‘done’ for 5 years. Our aim is to support you long term, making sure the software evolves with your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is the earliest, cheapest method to detect problems in the software.

Every project will come against some changes throughout the build but using Bubble software development tools and an iterative approach actually reduces the amount of time spent on the project overall. We will always ensure that expectations are aligned and deadlines
are met.

If you have an idea for an app that would benefit your company, why not contact us for a free consultation? Di9ital can guarantee you transparency, on-time delivery, and a great outcome.

With any enquiry we take the time to understand your needs. We start with a 30-minute call to clarify the challenges you face and what type of approach will be best. Get in touch today

If you need bespoke software developed and are working under time constraints we can help.
Our Bubble developers can deliver smarter, better software a lot faster.

With any enquiry we take the time to understand your needs. We start with a 30-minute call to clarify the challenges
you face and what type of approach will be best. Get in touch via the button below.