Read about how we worked with our sister company Cre8ion to develop a custom job vacancy platform, embedded into a WordPress site build…
Increase efficiency in your organisation by eliminating low level, repetitive, time consuming activities and human error. Think how much time you could save by automating data entry…
For saturated, highly competitive industries, innovation is critical to remaining in the game long term. Custom built software that anticipates the needs of your audience allows you to gain the competitive advantage…
With the passing of time and business growth, systems which were once well sync’ed to company needs become unfit for purpose. We use no code to help you bring everything up to date, fast.
Read about how we helped clients balance an initial idea with experimentation to create no code software that catapulted them ahead.
Read about how we worked with our sister company Cre8ion to develop a custom job vacancy platform, embedded into a WordPress site build…
Discover how we helped our clients at Carbon Savvy to a unified carbon calculator system. Helping people to understand their carbon footprint and how to improve it…
From the first consultation where we identify your objectives, our process involves your input. We will ship an MVP as soon as possible in order to gather early feedback from users.
We want to help you think and behave ‘smarter’ than your competition with smarter, better software,delivered to you faster. A lot of people ask us:
Every project will come against some changes throughout the build but using Bubble software development tools and an iterative approach actually reduces the amount of time spent on the project overall. We will always ensure that expectations are aligned and deadlines
are met.
If you have an idea for an app that would benefit your company, why not contact us for a free consultation? Di9ital can guarantee you transparency, on-time delivery, and a great outcome.
With any enquiry we take the time to understand your needs. We start with a 30-minute call to clarify the challenges you face and what type of approach will be best. Get in touch today
We get Andrius on the chair to talk all about the changes in the tech industry and how it’s pivoting
We love building things. Not just any things but tools that create impact. Too often in the world of development
Signing up to our process will ensure that your project is tailored to the exact needs of your audience.
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